viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012


"Race"? Is this an improper use of quations? Does this mean that the concept of race does not exist? Yes indeed, that is exactly what it means.

We have grown up in a society were there is a present differentiation and categorization of races, and sometimes, segregation towards some of them. As humans evolved, some physical differences between them became more evident, which resulted in the creation of "races". But these "races" are scientifically proved to be useless and incorrect subgroups of humans. SInce species take millions of years and complete isolation in order to develop as a transformation of the original specie, it is ilogical to assume humans went through the same process to develop into separate races. We have not been on earth long enough, nor being completely isolated from one another. The creation and enforcing of the race concept is a human-made idea that served as a way of justifying power abuse and a sense of superiority.

The most common conlfict between "races" seen in history is the black and white's relationship. But what defines an individual to be black or white? As this website shows us, the categorization of races is very hard to do on only physical terms, exemplifying how unfair and senseless it is to assing a person to a specific race category. But even though race does not exist, racism does. How is this possible? Well, even if the concept of race is not valid nor accurate, the sentiment that it produces on people is real. I would't classify racism as hate towards other "races", because in reality, almost no one truly hates a person for the color of their skin. It is more a generalized attitude of ignoring people that have been classified into other "races". But even though true hate is not involved, racism has systematically affected millions of persons for unfair reasons, and in different levels. For example: slavery and nazism, extreme cases of racism that resulted in the death of million of individuals, or daily cases of racism like stereotypes, that affect a person's self esteem. Just as these stereotypes are fool and do not depict a race at all, the classification of people due to their skin color, religion, gender or social status is unfair and improper.

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